Upside Down Exclamation Point



The upside-down exclamation point is a punctuation mark mainly used in the Spanish language. It is used at the start of an exclamatory sentence or phrase. The inverted exclamation mark (¡) is placed at the beginning of a sentence to indicate that an exclamation follows. It is used in combination with a normal exclamation mark at the end of the statement to convey the emotion.

Example: ¡Gracias por su amabilidad! (Thank you for your kindness!)


Unicode U+00A1
Alt Code Alt + 0161
Mac Shortcut Option + 1
HTML Code ¡
HEX Code ¡
CSS Code \u00A1

On Windows

To type the Spanish exclamation mark on Windows turn on the num lock on your keyboard and hold the Alt key. Type the number 0161 from the numpad and release the Alt key.

Upside Down exclamation mark on Mac

To type the inverted exclamation mark on Mac press the Option + 1 keys on your keyboard.

If you are unable to type the character simply copy and paste the inverted exclamation point from above.

To insert the inverted exclamation mark in HTML you can use the HTML entity, decimal or hex code. Copy the HTML shortcode from above and paste it into your code.

For instance: ¡Qué hermoso día!

The output of the above code will be: ¡Qué hermoso día!

To display the flipped exclamation mark using CSS use the CSS entity for '¡'. To insert this symbol before or after an element use :before or :after.

Code example:

.anyClass:before {
  content: '\u00A1';